
Marketing for Retail & ECommerce

SEO, PPC, Web Design & Social Media

Helping Your Business Be Found

Digital Marketing for Retail and ECommerce

Search Engine Optimization for ECommerce is the process of making it easier for potential customer to find your online store through search engine results pages (SERPs). When people find the products you sell, you want to rank them as high as possible to get more traffic. You can get traffic from paid searches, but SEO costs a lot less. Ad blockers can also negatively affect your paid search ads so you’ll want to optimize for search anyway.

SEO for e-commerce typically includes optimizing titles, product descriptions, metadata, internal link structures, and navigation structures for search and user experience. Each product you sell should have a separate page to drive traffic from search engines. 

However, we should not forget about static pages that are not product-oriented, such as:

  • Homepage
  • About page
  • F.A.Q. page
  • Blog articles
  • Help center answers
    Contact page

Create a list of keywords and related keywords for this page. Tools like Ubersuggest make it easy to find semantic keywords that match one long-tail keyword.

How To Develop Your Strategy

SEO for e-commerce can seem like a daunting task, especially if you have a website that already has a lot of products. Yes, it can take time, but a solid strategy can speed up the process.

  1. Page Prioritization: Which pages drive the most traffic on your site? Start with them. Also, if you want people to focus on a particular product or flagship product, optimize for that product first.
  2. Create a workflow: SEO requires many specific requirements. Selecting keywords, adding metadata, naming images correctly, adding alternate image properties, and including related keywords all fall into this category. 
  3. Beware of Competition: Your ecommerce SEO strategy should be designed to outperform your competition. Take a look at the sites of your major competitors and test their search engine optimization efforts. Find ways to improve. 
  4. Do CRO: Conversion rate optimization (CRO) should follow SEO. 

Types of ECommerce and Retail Sites We Serve

  • Brick and Motar
  • Single Brand Websites
  • Online Retailers
  • Affiliate Websites
  • Dropshipping 
  • Subscriptions
  • SaaS
shopping mall, mall, korea-2611645.jpg

Want to learn more?

Click the “Contact Us” button and ask us anything. One of our digital marketing specialists will be in touch with you shortly to answer your questions.